Bi3 Solution

For Erp

Connect your data : from general information to details at the click of a button !


Connect your data : from general information to details at the click of a button !


Business Coaching

Save money by optimising the management of your stocks, your customers and suppliers, your Manufacturing…

Thanks to the Bi3 solution for ERP.

To remain competitive in a competitive environment and offer products and services that are increasingly tailored to customer expectations, excellent Purchasing/Supply Chain relations are essential.

ErpLink offers you a range of Bi3 modules to manage your purchasing performance

Monitoring of purchase order backlogs and entries with Microsoft Power Bi

Order book

  • Suivi des stocks
  • Stocks et en cours de production
  • Ruptures de stocks
  • Dépréciation des stocks

Order entry

Supplier performance

Supplier performance

Stock shortages


Bi3 visualisation with Excel

*Power BI est un service édité par la société Microsoft **Azure est un service édité par la société Microsoft

For more information or a demo, please contact us.

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ErpLink offers you the Bi3 solution so that everyone has access to the same data, depending on their authorisation, so that everyone can discuss the same figures…