Bi3 Solution

For Erp

Connect your data : from general information to details at the click of a button !


Connect your data : from general information to details at the click of a button !


Business Coaching

Save money by optimising the management of your stocks, your customers and suppliers, your Manufacturing…

Thanks to the Bi3 solution for ERP.

The aim is to monitor changes in inventory write-downs throughout the year and avoid a ‘big bang’ at the end of the year that could completely change the income statement.

For more information or a demo, don’t hesitate to contact us !

Our method is fully configurable based, on the principle :

  • Dead stock
  • Dormant stocks
  • Surplus stocks

Our method can be applied retrospectively, allowing as many simulations as necessary to be carried out before setting definitive depreciation percentages.

  • The analysis is multi-dimensional
  • Organisation (company, sites, warehouses, storage areas)
  • Products (5 levels of grouping)
  • Product manager
  • Type of impairment and dimensions above

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ErpLink offers you the Bi3 solution so that everyone has access to the same data, depending on their authorisation, so that everyone can discuss the same figures…